Minggu, 27 November 2011

111127 Super Junior’s Yesung says to Donghae: “A fly is coming into your mouth!”

Super Junior’s Yesung revealed a paparazzi picture of Donghae.
On November 26, Yesung tweeted a picture with the comment: “Hey Donghae, a fly’s about to get in your mouth!”
In the posting, Donghae is asleep in his underwear, resting on a neck pillow. He has his mouth wide-open and fallen into a deep sleep, cross-armed.
Netizens who saw the picture comment: “He looks cute even when he is asleep.” “Oh my God, what are we going to do with him?” “He has a muscular body.” “Who’s that person next to him?”
Super Junior has successfully closed the Super Junior World Tour Super Show 4 which was held in Seoul on November 19 and 20. The group will continue its tour concert in Osaka, Japan from the 10th to 11th of December.
Source: TV Report
Translation by: hannacha | Korea.com
Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by supergirlRain

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